A Thought Stream Exposed

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Things You wanted to Know about Introverts but were Afraid to Ask
What's an introvert? An introvert is a person who frequently needs to spend time away from other people. Take me for example. If I am forced to stay around people for longer than I can stand, I'll become as cranky as an old dog. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy people, I just need some time alone to "recharge". Unfortunately, most extroverted people don't understand this critical point, and it causes a lot of misunderstanding. Introverts need to spend time with their thoughts, quietly thinking about stuff. They usually feel uneasy in social gatherings which they find exhausting, because their social skills aren't already built-in, they are painstakingly learnt and are often imperfect and tiring to use.

In a social setting, a typical introvert who's tired of interacting with people will just sit there silently and think about stuff. When you see an introvert lost in thought, please don't say What's the matter? or Are you all right?, it's very annoying.


  • I totally agree. Dammit, I never knew what an introvert was anyway but Now I know that I am one. By the way, I think at a certain age you just have to learn to live with it. How old are you, because I think by your age, your "introvertness" should have melted away. If you know what I mean.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 PM GMT-5  

  • I'm 21 and I'm an introvert most of the time. I don't see introversion as a bad thing, it's just personality trait like having blue eyes or big feet. In many cases it's kind of useful and in others it's not. As you said, you just have to live with it. For a more in-depth analysis of personality traits I recomend the Myer-Briggs Personality Test. In case you don't know what it is, at the end it will give you four letters (for example mine are INTJ). You can go here to get a lengthy explanation of what they mean. In many cases people are surprised of how accurate the result describes them.

    By Blogger Nader, at 1:38 AM GMT-5  

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