A Thought Stream Exposed

Monday, June 30, 2003

It was a beautiful summer day, abundant with heat, noise, brightness and sweat. Another one of those days where my brain cells were very disposed to hibernate. So I decided to hit a strip bar with some friends. It's not that I like bars, I despise them, but I thought I'll undertake a normal social activity for once and do what everyone else does.
I didn't mention it before, I'm an INTP*. To put you in the picture, here's the extensive list of The INTP Bar Activities**:

1. Reinforcing the wall or other supporting structure by heavy leaning
2. Vulcan/Spock impersonation
3. Buckingham Palace guard practice
4. Counting lights/floor tiles/beer bottles/balls on or off the pool table
5. Guarding the snack machine
6. Finding the 'stagnation points' in the traffic flow streamlines
7. Mental tensor calculus
8. Inspecting the washroom
9. Intently reading signs/posters/labels, no matter how trivial the material
10. Creating geometrical sculptures out of bar straws

Yes, this is what INTPs do in bars. To the difference that this one was a Strip Bar, which made the situation a bit less predictable and a bit more interesting. Instead of counting bottles and tiles I could count boobs and butt cheeks. It's not that I didn't like it, I did, and it was the first time I go to a strip bar. But it didn't feel too strange, and I wasn't too indisposed to watch naked women dance. Surely my ancestors practiced similar tribal ceremonies that left traces somewhere in my evolutionary baggage.
Actually, humans are inclined to do anything that our hunting-and-gathering-granpa's did. Except if they were used to jump into bottomless ravines, then they won't have any descendants. But as for the other non-fatal hobbies, we have them all. And it's kind of fun to know that because we can guess what our ancestors did by looking at what we do; for example, watching naked women dance.

Listening to: Du Hast - Rammstein (a track that one of the girls danced to)

* I type out as and INTP in the MBTI

** http://www.fortunecity.com/bennyhills/hardy/441/personality/intpbar.html